I did not mean to go off on such a morbid tangent—sorry. I am still marveling at the events in Leicester, turning a controversial medieval king into a media rock star; who could ever have predicted that? So I am giving away a signed hardcover copy of Sunne, brought out by Macmillan in September, 2013 to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Sunne’s publication in the UK—and no, I never imagined that Sunne would still be so popular and attracting new readers, some of them not even born when I was working on Sunne. In order to be eligible, you simply have to post a comment on this blog. Anyone on the planet can enter, and the winner will get the hardcover edition. I am offering a consolation prize, too, a copy of the new British paperback edition of Sunne. I would also have offered a copy of the American paperback of Sunne, but it does not have the new Author’s Note that I wrote about the discovery of Richard’s lost grave or the corrections and minor dialogue changes that I made in the hardcover edition of Sunne. For that, you must buy the e-book edition, and I haven’t yet figured out a way to sign a Kindle—although I was once asked to autograph a Kindle cover on a book tour!
Speaking of book tours, many writers fear that they are on the endangered species list. Publishers have been cutting back, focusing more on regional tours if they do book tours at all. The turmoil in publishing plays a role in this, the Internet even more so. It is so much easier to reach out to readers than it was even ten years ago, thanks to social media like Facebook, Goodreads, and Twitter, just to name a few. I admit I have not ventured onto Twitter myself; a woman who writes 800 page books does not take naturally to expressing herself in just 140 characters—and yes, there are actually on-line calculators for that very purpose. I am curious; how many of you use Twitter? Do you think writers should use it? Would you follow your favorite writers on Twitter?
And while we are at it, what do you all think about book tours? Would you enjoy going to a bookstore to attend a book signing and reading? I know that some publishers think book tours will eventually become obsolete, believing that there are more efficient means today of promoting a book. I do not agree, for I would really miss these opportunities to meet my readers, especially those I have been interacting with on Facebook on a daily basis. But then it is difficult to imagine what changes lie ahead for the publishing industry. It has certainly been transformed in the thirty-three years that I’ve been a published writer. Who knows what it will be like in another thirty-three years. It has even been suggested that books could disappear entirely, at least in their present formats. If that does ever happen, I hope I’ll be dead by then!
Okay, the book drawing is officially open.
April 21, 20015
Comments are closed.
My current copy is ragged and stained by tea I have spilled on it… 🙂
“…a woman who writes 800 page books does not take naturally to expressing herself in just 140 characters…” – exactly the reason I dislike it, myself… but I tend to only use it for putting up links and stuff and save the important things I have to say for places where I have more space to say them… In either event, I’m a fan of long standing, and I hereby cast my name into the hat for that copy of “Sunne”….
While I do love to have books on the kindle app of my Ipad (easier for travelling), I also still love hard cover books. I would so love to win a copy of Sunne, as my local bookstore never seems to have it in stock, and there are no used bookstores anywhere nearby. As for tours, it would have to be an author whose work I really love, for me to go to a reading & signing – and you would be one of those!
I use twitter. I know Dan Jones does, for one, and I think Stephen King does as well. J.K. Rowling does, as do a few others of my personal favorites, Diane Duane, Kevin J. Anderson, and Neil Gaiman.
I do follow quite a few writers on Twitter, and they seem to use it the same as anyone else would. So yes, I would follow. 🙂
Sunne was my first SKP book and my favorite!
I soooo need this for my classroom library–I have converted them to historical fiction.
Never ever have used Twitter or Facebook for that matter. I’ve been thinking about joining Facebook though.
I’d love to have a new copy, and would cherish it. I use twitter occasionally but would definitely do it more often if I could follow you.
Since I am half way across the world it would seem amazing if you would tour in Chile, but, alas, I’m aware that it’s easier for me to go across the ocean.
Congrats on the new blog.
I gave my copy to the (rural, underfunded) library so others could enjoy it!
A few years ago, I reconnected with my beloved English teacher from high school (45+ years ago). Knowing I love historical fiction, she sent me her copy of Lionheart and I just sent her my copy of A King’s Ransom (she lives in Las Vegas, while I am in the Seattle area). I read Here Be Dragons, When Christ and his Saints Slept and am now totally engrossed in Falls the Shadow. As a genealogist, I am especially thrill when I run across related ancestors. Yes, I am reading the books out of order which makes me a bit dizzy, but I cannot get enough of your wonderful work. I would love to have a signed copy of Sunne in Splendor, which I will pass along when I finish it. Thank you for bringing all these delightful characters to life!
I loved living within the pages of your books! I would love to win a signed copy of one of your books. Thank you for your gifted writing and especially introducing me to Eleanor! What a Queen!
I would LOVE to see you visit Dallas on a book tour! And my belief is that if bands such as The Rolling Stones will still tour (yes, I have my tickets to the Dallas show already!) then yes, authors will continue to tour.
Yes, I use Twitter — and somehow have 33,000+ followers — but I admit it’s a challenge to remember to update it. I use it due to my work as a “motor-journalist” to promote new articles that are running in magazines and/or online.
While I have a tablet and a Nook, I still cherish the feel of curling up on the sofa with a good hardcover book so, if I should win the autographed one being offered, know that it will be in a loving home…along with my hardcover edition of When Christ and His Saints Slept!
I love real books so much that I don’t own a Kindle (I may have to give in someday) and I especially like the hardcovers. It would be wonderful to win this copy of Sunne!
I think book tours are fabulous. I would love to meet you in person. Come to Atlanta, please! 🙂 Thank you for the chance to win a signed copy of Sunne. If I won I would treasure it.
I would cherish a hardback copy of “Sunne in Splendour” to go along with the ragged paperback version I stole from my sister and my Kindle edition. All your Plantagenet and Welsh books are among my favorites. My youngest daughter’s middle name is Joanna from “Here Be Dragons”.
I have no interest in Twitter. I have an account, but as much as there is news or data to be had from it I cannot stick with it. I do better with Facebook (or even where the twitters automatically get posted there) as I find twitter to limiting and the format too busy and like work trying to sift through it. I have tried it several time to follow news on various authors and book news but can’t stick with it because of those limitations. Facebook on the other hand I follow pretty easily despite the limitations it presents with not showing all the “likes” or requested notifications because i use the sort lists to go to the authors feeds.
Have you tried Twitter yet?
I have never ventured into Twitter land and don’t intend to. As for hardcover books becoming extinct, I don’t think so… actually, a lot of young people like them and that’s the only way I can read fiction. It’s a physical, tactical thing –a connection with the writer you can’t get from a screen. While communicating with readrs on Twitter and Facebook is nice (especially for some), what we hard-core oldtimers most treasure are the words you turn into books that keep us awake all night, and the next night, and the next! We take the book to bed, turn on a mini-flashlight, or just lay there and remember what we have just lived through on the pages you have written…….
I love your new blog. I have been wanting to read this book for awhilenow. Thank you for the chance.
I use all the social platforms because i maintain 3 blogs and review books. I still think thaf therr should be tours for authors. It gives the readers the option to meet the author and the author and the author a chance to meet their fans!!!
I love your writing, the way you take us into the past. We get to witness history as it unfolds and understand the actors.
I would definitely come to a book signing.
I haven’t joined Twitter. I don’t really want to know every little detail of people’s life. I find Facebook works for me. The thing I love about Facebook is actually all the fellow readers I’ve met and we congregate on that platform. t
I love book tours. If you ever come to New Zealand, I would love to meet you.
Twitter, Facebook, Blogs, Websites. … 140 words, 800 or 2000 … If you write it I will read it. Wherever, whatever. I am a fan for life.
I seldom use Twitter, but many do. I use Facbook every day. I like real books and Kindle because you can read something when you don’t want to use your computer. I love Audible and wish you could have Sunne.. on there.
I love all your books and have since I first stumbled on Here Be Dragons. Your blogs show the same careful writing and intriguing material as the books. I am waiting, though not patiently for Outremer, and please, some day, more Justin.
“The Sunne in Splendor” turned me from “oh, at least the little princes’ sister became Queen” to a Ricardian who has studied the period and defends Richard whenever I get the opportunity. I would love to have a copy with the new author’s note. On the Twitter front, Laurie R King has her character Mary Russell giving “Twitter Parties” from her home on the Sussex Downs where she lives with a certain retired beekeeper as a way to publicize upcoming books, although I’ve never participated.
Sunne was my first Penman and a major favorite! Winning a copy of the new edition with the new Author Note would bee fantastic! I do use Facebook (occasionally) and have a Twitter account (rarely accessed!) but a book tour to meet a real author?!?!? No contest, meeting you was a high point of my reading life.
I don’t use twitter but I’ve met you at a book tour in Seattle so I hope these don’t go away! I’ve met a few of my favorite authors this way. “Sunne is Splendour” is one of my favorite books but I read it on Kindle and I love to have a copy of it that is an actual book.
Love all your books
I’m not a fan of Twitter, but I do love using Facebook to connect with Authors and fan’s of historical fiction. I’ve gotten some great book recommendations that way.
The first book I read by you was Here Be Dragons and you have been my favorite author ever since and that was so many years ago. I am on my second copies of the Welsh trilogy and Sunne because I have reread them so many times. I didn’t think I could love one of your characters more than Llewelyn in Dragons, but Richard became a close second. I have all the Plantagenet novels in hardcover (so I don’t have to replace them) and it would be a loving gift to have an updated Sunne in hardcover. You are so passionate regarding your works and I know from following you on FB that all your readers truly appreciate all the work you put into them.
One day I will get this book on Amazon for my Kindle, but I would love to have this hard copy to give to my sister. I told her all about your books, especially the Plantagenets.
It took me awhile to read Sunne in Splendor as it did not cover the time period that was my main interest. When I did though I greatly enjoyed it and gained a new appreciation for Richard III and the 15th century.
This is exciting! I love your work & have wanted to read Sunne in Splendour as I’ve yet to have a chance to! Much love & respect!!
Best book EVER! I have lent my copy and given new copies to so many people. More than any other book, thus creating many new SKP fans.
I love you books Got my own copy of Sunne a gift from my cousin
And though Iv read it once I’m enjoying it more as it mine
I have a kindle but it doesn’t compare to holding a book in your hands
So I only use it for traveling Enjoy reading your FB post and appreciate all the work you put into them Would so love a hard copy of Sunne .
Casting my lot for a copy of Sunne! My old trade paperback literally fell apart last summer — I had read it multiple times, and then I loaned it to my sister-in-law so she could read it before we went to see Richard III at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. (I needed to innoculate her against the propaganda version!)
I would so love to win a signed copy of Sunne
I have a old and battered copy of Sunne. But if I won a signed copy,
I’d treasure it always
Sunny was my introduction to your world, Sharon. I have rejoined that world many times since then. I just love getting lost in your books. Thanks so much!
Sharon,your books are friends that I have to visit at least once a year,sometimes more. My Sunne is wore out after rereading at least once a year from my first read in 1999. You spoke of book tours I would love to be at one but do not get out of the house now. I would love a new copy of Sunne as I only read books and would be proud to own a signed copy. Best of wishes as you finish your new book.
I don’t do tweeter. I do like Facebook. I travel by plane some so I love to have my Kindle. I would love to have an autographed copy of Sunne. I would donate my present hardback copy to the library as they need some of Sharon’s books.
I would really like a copy of the updated edition of Sunne but, no matter who wins, we are ALL lucky to have SKP as one of our favorite historical fiction authors. Good luck, all!!!
I do believe “Sunne” is my favorite book of my 70 years. It certainly made me a Richard III advocate. I was so thrilled to go to York and see all there. Just so happy that SKP is still writing these great books.
I got my copy of “Sunne” at an annual used book sale where proceeds from the sale support education and literacy projects in the Detroit metropolitan area and beyond. It’s the first SKP book that I got my wife to read. She loved it and was just as interested in the recent Richard III events as I was. Thanks!!!
I use FB all the time, but don’t quite get twitter, and I honestly don’t need another time sink. I’ve attended two of your book readings (and bought books there). I currently have an old, signed paperback of Sunne, so I feel it would be an embarrassment of riches to win another, but still, I’d love to have it either in hardcover or w/ the new Author’s Note. Plus, that new cover is gorgeous!
SUNNE was the first SKP book I read, and at the time it was the only one I could have read because at that time it was the only SKP book that was published. Read it because I have always been interested in Richard III. Have read this book numerous times, and I highly recommend it.
This is an SKP book I have not read but am sure it is more true to facts than Shakespeare. :})
I love reading your Facebook updates and will enjoy your blog as well. I would always attend a reading of an author that I admire—bookstore, library, or wherever. Such a tour must be exhausting for you, but what a pleasure for those of us who are your readers. Sadly, my great little city of Knoxville, Tennessee isn’t large enough to attract most authors. I’ve been thrilled over the “rehabilitation” of Richard. I first warmed to him when I read an old mystery, by Josephine Tey I think. My total conversion came with your book, of course. I love everyone of your books. Such pleasure they have brought to me and my family. Thank you, dear Sharon!
I would love a new copy of Sunne, as my old trade paperback is starting to fall apart, and is stuck in storage in Maryland anyway!
This was the first SKP book that I read, and I have enjoyed every one of her works ever since! I have recommended her books to many friends and family and I read her books over and over! I was reading my well worn copy of Sunne during Dickon’s recent funeral- very touching.
I’ve read everything you’ve written, starting with “The Sunne in Splendor”. Can’t wait for the next on!
I would love to have an autographed copy of your book.
No, I’m not on Twitter and I don’t plan on joining. I do love Facebook and the way it lets me connect to all of my favorite authors. I personally love going to see authors on book tours! I think it is so exciting to get to sit and listen to an author talk about their writing experiences and hear background stories on how the characters were developed. And to hear an author read aloud the words they have written is mesmerizing to me! There is nothing like it!! (Please don’t include me in the drawing as I have my own treasured hardback, personalized copy of Sunne.)
I just recently discovered your books which is nice because now u can binge on them instead of impatiently awaiting publication. Haven’t read Sunne yet!
Dear Sharon, as we are of an age and our experiences of reading and writing and living so similar (my mouse is sitting on its Gregorian chant mousepad that you sent me), I doubt I will ever tweet. But to immerse myself in an 800 page book? Bring it!
As to Book Tours…you must know that I’m for them but you may not know that one of the many friendships resulting from our 2011 tour of Poitiers is that Tee McNeil and I are going to walk 200 miles of El Camino de Santiago de Compostela together in July. We are both excited about visiting the Templar castle of Ponferrada!
I don’t do Twitter, probably never will. I love book tours-I just met Patricia Bracewell touring for her latest novel, and I’d love a signed copy of Sunne! I read it when it was first released, and little did I know that many years later it would still be one of my favorite novels.
I have a Facebook and a Twitter account; and I frequently check them both, although I don’t post frequently. I’ve joined several Facebook groups that focus on the Medieval and Tudor periods. I’ve enjoyed learning more through the posts there; and I’ve discovered a few new authors, too. As a Plantagenet descendant, I’ve found social media to be helpful in discovering more about my genealogy. As for your books, I’ve read quite a few of them, but not all; which I look forward to doing!
Yes, I would follow you on Twitter.
I dare you to try it: I guarantee you’ll be addicted.
I LOVED The Sunne in Splendour and would KILL for a signed copy. English history is my preferred reading topic since 6th grade, and what I like about your books is the flesh that is added to the bones of history.
I Love this book. Book Tours are wonderful. I’ve been lucky enough to meet you on at least 3 different tours. I always tend to buy more books if I can get them signed so I can give them as gifts. Not a fan of Twitter.
I would love to have another copy of Sunne in Splendour. I have a first edition copy that I wish I had brought to your last book signing. I didn’t realize that I could bring my older books of yours and that you would sign it. I do hope you travel to Palo Alto on your next book tour.
True confesions- I checked Sunne out from the library, never had the chance to even look at it, returned it and have been pinning over it ever since. Have been wanting to bite the bullet and buy on Kindle. Sigh…
I would love a hard copy of Sunne and yes I would come to your book signing. If teachers would give extra credit for reading your books for summer reading,I probably would have been a history major instead.
a lovely post Sharon. I’m not sure you’d get that much from going on Twitter. It’s a bit like the Wild West there, less regulated and more prone to trolling because of the unique way it works. That’s just my two pennies worth
Thank you Sharon for getting those fans in the USA a chance to win a book!
Sunne is my favorite book, though I love every one I’ve read. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with the world.
Hi….I live in Gwynedd, North Wales so your Here Be Dragons series mean so much to me. I regularly pass Dolwyddelan Castle which I have loved since very young. I have read and equally thoroughly enjoyed all of your other books too. Thank you so much for bringing history to life….xxx
I’ve been a fan since I first discovered “Sunne” many years ago and am now proud that I’ve passed down my love of your writing to two of my children. We would all definitely travel far, and queue long, to attend a book signing.
I would love a copy of the new hardcover “Sunne.” I read it when it first came out, or nearly. I gave up reading Richard III novels, as there is just no chance for a happy ending and I don’t see any point in depressing myself, but I would like to read “Sunne” again.
I don’t use Twitter; I just don’t see the point. It definitely doesn’t suit my writing style. 140 characters? I’m lucky to be able to make a point in 140 words! I’ll stick with Facebook.
Books will not disappear, least of all yours Sharon! Thank you for the wonderful hours I spent with “Sunne” and the other novels. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for the draw.
I would definitely love for you to come to New Zealand on a book tour! Please put me in the draw for a signed copy of “Sunne”.
I don’t use twitter but I do check Facebook daily.
Sunne is the last of all the Penman books. I’ve devoured every single last one of your books and I am savoring (quite slowly) Sunne, although I have a whole stack of books built up for the summer. I’ll admit you can never have too many books, so I wouldn’t mind another copy–and, as a reading teacher and a devoted reader, I hope books will never go out of style. I can tell you that book signings and tours bring books to life with kids and no less with adults!
How sad to think publishers have missed one of the most important aspects of book tours. To meet the author, whose word pictures have brought you hours of pleasurable visiting to different times and places is the best, most wonderful publicity. It sparks the energy to pass on the word about the books. I have not had the pleasure of meeting Sharon, and love sharing, just imagine if. I got to meet her.
I have so many memories associated with Sharon’s books, we have to talk her publisher to get her to Australia!
You are my favorite writer! I discovered your books years ago and I’ve been a fan ever since!
I have been a devoted reader for… over half my life now (eek!) and am one of those to whom _Sunne_ is an elder sibling – it’s about a year older than I am! Though I started reading with _Here Be Dragons_, _Sunne_ holds an equally beloved place on my shelves.
I gave up on Twitter when I was invited to “follow” modern pop singers who held no attraction for me whatsoever.
Meeting up with my favourite author (Sharon – if anyone is in doubt – coming from Gwynedd her Welsh Trilogy is my religion) was one of the great moments of my life and I’m pleased to say has happened on three occasions now. She is such a caring and gracious lady to whom her readers are so important. Book signings are the perfect way to meet up and I recommend anyone who has the opportunity to seize the day and make every effort.
Have purchased 3 copies of Sunne (1st time as new, 2 others used) but now I have none. The reason for 3…. I am overly generous in my lending habits where your books are concerned , I want to share with the world !
I am a huge advocate of social media. I never feel alone. The day I met you Sharon at The Poisoned Pen, shook your hand and said “Hi. I’m Sande with an E” and you replied “You are one of my Facebook friends”, I said that I love social media, how else would it EVER be possible that my favorite author would know who I am ! Obviously I am an advocate of live book tours.
I do use Twitter, but limit it to interests in music. Can’t imagine following an author there, it’s too restricting and complicating to follow threads. It’s really only interesting as a real time application.
I first read Sunne back in the 1980s – I loved it then and still love itnow. A copy of Sunne would have pride of place on my bookshelf. Much as I love my Kindle I would not want to see books becoming obsolete – there’s always something special about a physical book.
I use Twitter and Facebook, although not as much as I used to. I think the sites are tools.+
(sorry – cat playing on keyboard)
keep up the writing – I love your books.
‘The Sunne in Splendour’ is one of my favourite books. I would love to own a signed copy. I think, book tours are wonderful. I would love to meet you, one of my favourite authors in person.
My paperback copy of Sunne is my treasure because it was autographed by Sharon during one of her book tours. However, as I’ve gotten older, the type has become very difficult to read because it is so small. A newer version would be very welcome! Fingers crossed. 🙂
I love physical books and hope they will always be around. Social media is great, but it will never replace meeting a favourite author in person.
Yay for books! I do enjoy checking books out from the library on my kindle, but I pretty much only purchase paper books.
I would love a copy! I’m trying to read a library copy and it is hard to get it read before it’s due (after one renewal)
I’m so glad that Richard is getting a second chance! In recent years, I’ve been going to see authors on tour (including you, Sharon). My little isolated area in NE WI started having a book festival every April (going on right now, in fact), and that gave me the bug. Unfortunately, I usually have to drive pretty far to a big city. But I think it’s great to meet the authors and ask questions. I’m also amazed at how candid you are, Sharon, on your website. I used to think that writers were like distant stars to us lowly readers, but not anymore. Looking forward to the new book!
Hi Sharon,
I have a Twitter account, however I mostly use it for breaking news. It has been far superior to other news outlets for following a hurricane that is heading to the Northeast. It was first with news from the Scotland referendum on independence. It also allowed me to participate vicariously with the actors promotions for the release of the final Harry Potter movie. So, for some reasons Twitter is useful, but it is not ‘just another Facebook’ & your mode of interacting with fans would have to be different. You can use your 140 characters to post an abbreviated link to your blog. It would entail a learning curve. Let me know if you would like in depth help.
As to publishers, it is my opinion that they certainly don’t know (or at least most don’t yet) how to navigate in the new digital world. Books will never be obsolete, & if publishers discontinue tours, there will always be libraries that host book events. My library has an excellent program. Tonight I am attending “The European Painting Curator’s Profession”.
I was lucky enough to run across a first edition of The Sunne in Splendour a few years ago. It’s not in the best condition but it’s my prize possession. I’d love a signed copy to live along side it! I’ve read all your books at least twice and The Welsh Trilogy is my absolute favorite of all time. I recommend it to everyone I know!
I missed the question earlier about Twitter – yes i am on Twitter @dakine100
Sunne was the first novel I read by you Sharon. I came across it at the library but loved it so much I had to buy my own and every single one of your other novels but Sunne remains an especially favourite, regularly re-read. I’ve just bought a new copy for a friend’s birthday with every expectation she will be hooked too. Although I wouldn’t part with my old copy I would love a new one so please include me in the draw.
Almost 30 years ago, a friend who worked at a bookstore pointed to a box of books in her kitchen and told me to take any I wanted. I half-heartedly poked through the selection, most of which were romance novels and not my preferred reading. Among them, however, was a book that caught my eye–about a real-life Welsh prince and a daughter of a King of England. I love history, and so I started reading Here Be Dragons, then the rest of the trilogy. I passed the book to my sister, who is now also an addict. I mentioned the books to a Brit-born coworker, who had a copy of Sunne.
This was in the pre-Internet days, and I pictured the author as this British historian bringing to life the people of her country’s history. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Sharon Kay Penman lives in New Jersey, just as I do!
I don’t use Twitter and I rarely use Facebook, although I do participate in certain forums on the Internet. As a “can’t-quit-the-day-job” writer myself (historical fiction, 19th-century New Jersey), I too wonder just how much social media outreach is necessary in publishing. It’s a subject that comes up from time to time in my local writer’s group.
Keep writing, Ms. Penman. I’ve only got King’s Ransom left to read!
Oh no, I’m guilty of a sin for which I castigate others–Apostrophe Abuse, and there’s no “edit” option. Writers group. Or writers’. There’s more than one of us. Our group’s name is not possessive, although I suppose it could be. ; )
I’m one of those who wasn’t born when ‘Sunne’ first came out- luckily my mum was and gave it to me to read once she thought I was old enough. Something she still likes to point out whenever I read another one of your books!
In terms of your last musings on the future of books, I truly hope physical books never go out of print. eBooks have their place and they are convenient, but there’s something personal about having a physical book. Seeing how the book changes as you own it; having someone look at your book shelf and know instantly which ones are your favourite based on how well-worn they are; annotating in it or making notes about favourite passages. Just little things that don’t mean the same when it’s an eBook.
No – not a Twitter from me… 140 characters… I might as well then decide to write all my stuff as Haiku 🙂
I am pretty sure that going to see my favorite authors at a book signing is what the fabled ‘heaven’ might be like -so YES – BOOK TOURS & SIGNINGS ARE WONDERFUL!
Indeed – who would have thought that the first book I ever read about Richard III by you in 1999, would reach this status in 2015…Richard has reached rock star status – he deserves some fame versus infamy.
My first SKP book was Here Be Dragons, which I loved. I went on to read
any more that I could find. They were all wonderful! I just finished
King’s Ransom and hope for many more.
Sunne in Splendor is possibly my favorite of yours Sharon. I’m trying to get my 15-year-old daughter to read it, along with your other books. She has always been a voracious reader but didn’t want to read any historical novels because she “hates” history. well, lo and behold, she entered high school this year, got a great history teacher, and found out that she actually loves history, and often comes home to discuss what she learned that day!
“Sunne” was my introduction to your writing, Sharon, HBD cemented my love for your books, the Plantagenets, and the MA. I’ve gone through 2 copies of Sunne, and am working on my second HBD. I need spares! 🙂 I promise, if I win this book, I’ll share one of my copies with my daughter-in-law, who likes to imagine herself living in the MA, also.
I just discovered your writing through Sunne a few years ago. What a fabulous book. Like so many, I fell for “Dickon” as a real(ish) man over the myth that never drew me in. I read a lot of historical fiction, mostly medieval England. There are several authors I enjoy but none pull me in as deeply as you do. Within a few pages I am hooked & would like to do nothing but read until I finish… then I am bereft when I turn the last page, sinking into a post-Penman depression for a few days. I appreciate your thorough & ongoing research & also the way you make the stories human. I am soo glad you keep writing & can’t wait for the next book!
I do not do twitter & don’t think you should have to. I do like facebook & always enjoy your goodreads postings. You should be able to stick to your writing rather than distract yourself trying to keep up with all the silliness available.
I love book tours & I’m sad they are fading out. Then again, I’m happy for you to have the time to write instead!
I have enjoyed all your books. You really make medieval Europe come alive. Henry, Eleanor and their Devil’s Brood surely made life very exciting for everyone on both sides of the English Channel. Now if Justin de Quincy would only come out of retirement.
I signed up for twitter but honestly I just don’t get it. I like FB better.
I would love to a copy of Sunne in Splendor.
Short and simple.
Please, Please, Please pick me!
I love book tours and had the pleasure of meeting you at one many years ago. It’s great to be able to hear a section of a book read in the author’s own voice.
Love your blog! If I win the new copy of Sunne, I’ll give my old copy away to someone who needs to read it. Which is basically everyone. 🙂
I was fortunate to have my daughter attend a book signing in Ann Arbour and buy me a signed copy of THE KING’S RANSOM. (I live in Alberta, Canada) It would be wonderful to be able to add another signed copy of one of your books to my treasured collection! Perhaps one day you may end up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada during a book tour and I will be able to meet you myself. THE SUNNE was the first book of yours I ever read (loaned to me by a friend when I was visiting in England) and it made me understand “the war of the roses” for the first time – history class did not quite make that happen! Thank you for all your great writing.
My wife Annette and I am fortunate to call Sharon a very good friend, and I personally want her and all authors to continue to have book tours, it is always great to see her and meet other authors in the flesh! BTW, Sharon, do not consider me for the signed book, you have given me many!
I remember reading Sunne in Splender so many years ago, recommended by a child’s best friend, a librarian. Love all your works!
I’m not on Twitter. I think I would attend a book signing, but we are rarely/never a stop on a national book tour. I love Sunne and I would love to have a copy to call my own. Thanks!!
I follow several YA authors on Twitter, as well as their blogs. A couple of them are quite funny, and they are all passionate about some things (racism, feminism, stereotypes [particularly the woman who races cars, plays the bagpipes, writes and is an artist]).
One of the Best. Books. EVER.
My mother has not read Sunne. I feel she needs to have the opportunity, and since I’m not about to let my copy leave my house, I could gift her this copy… if I’m chosen.
Love Sharon K Penman’s books.
I’m a fan of yours from way back when Sunne was first released. I lost touch with the friend I lent my copy to so the book was never returned. All I can say is she must have loved it so much she couldn’t bear to part with it!
Ooh! Sunne is the only novel of yours of which I don’t have a signed copy. It was the first one I read and got me hooked. I don’t use Twitter or Facebook, but LOVE readings/signings. Blogs are nice, but actually meeting my favorite authors is fabulous. Please make sure Seattle is again on your tour when Outremer makes it into print. We love you!
I would like to thank all of you who have posted such wonderful compliments about Sunne on my blog. If only I had enough copies, I’d love to give one to every one of you.
There is good news about one of my Facebook friends and fellow writers, David Blixt. I know many of you share my enjoyment of his novels, so I thought this would be of interest. He gave me permission to post this. David and I are meeting for the first time at the Historical Novel Society Convention in Denver in late June, and for me, one of the highlights will be attending the two seminars he is giving, one on swordplay and one on the proper way to dispatch someone with a dagger. He’s had a lot experience doing that—no, not lurking in alleys to ambush book reviewers and critics, although all writers would find that tempting. He commits his mayhem on the stage; in addition to being a gifted writer, David is an actor, producer, and director. He says he likes to recruit volunteers from his audiences, but being close to my biblical three-score years and ten and an all-around klutz, I plan to cheer him on from the sidelines. It would be embarrassing if I accidentally zigged when I should have zagged and caused him to lose a body part.—finalist-for-hf-award?utm_medium=email&utm_source=author_blog_post_digest
I’m a sporadic user of Twitter, don’t tweet much but I do enjoy following many of my favorite authors. Unfortunately we don’t get too many author signings here in South Florida, but I’d travel anywhere in the state for one of yours!
I read Sunne years and years ago, and it along with Daughter of Time introduced me to RIII and I researched at the Library of Congress in the Rare Book Room, back in 1965, and write a long…… Paper onRIII, so I’ve been hooked since and esp. With the emotion in Sunne – thank you!!!!
I read Sunne in 1995 and remember being so engrossed that I took to a friends 21st birthday to finish. (Anti social yes, but I want to reach the ending)
Personally, the depiction of Richard III as the hunchback murdering tyrant never appeared to be very believable. This appeared to be as made up as Shakespeare’s depiction of Henry Tudor as an idealistic knightly hero. For me Tudor was more Ebeneezer Scrooge than St George of England. (This was even before I read ‘The Sunne in Splendour’)
Been a great fan since I picked up a copy of Sunne many years ago. I still enjoy visiting with authors on book tours. It’s nice to get to know the person behinds the words and be able to talk to them in person. Thank you for sharing your work with us!
Yay Twitter! I think it’s a great way to keep readers updated with bite-sized posts. You can also link longer posts and media that you have posted somewhere else. I check Twitter all the time, so it’s easy for me to catch news there.
I actually haven’t read ‘The Sunne in Splendour,’ but I am interested in doing so. I love historical fiction, and the medieval setting especially appeals to me. I saw some of your books on goodreads lists, and from there found your page. You post interesting things and seem very knowledgable, so I would be interested in starting to read some of your books. I figure ‘The Sunne in Splendour” would be a good place to start.
By the way, I appreciated your tangent into medieval causes of death. Super interesting, even if kind of morbid.
Sunne was the very first one of your books that I ever read. It has been a constant companion, and I go back and read it periodically. It turned the York’s into extended family. As much as I always need to prepare myself for the ending, oddly it is always Edmund’s death, at the very beginning of the book that is the most difficult to read. So very glad that Sunne is receiving renewed interest. Well Deserved!
I am one who read this wonderful book years ago and have now passed it on to my 21 year old history loving son! I’m very thankful for your works. As for Twitter, it could be a wonderful tool to simply point people to your blog or website, throwing a tidbit in here or there to connect to your audience. As for book tours, while social media has its uses (like what you are doing here and now), nothing replaces face to face. I would definitely be there with bells on if you came to my town!
It would be beyond wonderful to meet you at a book reading/signing, but living in southern Oklahoma there has not been an opportunity. Sunne is an all time favorite, and although many of your other novels are on the keeper shelf, I managed to let Sunne get away from me. It would be a thrill to win this copy.
Thank you all for the wonderful compliments about Sunne!
On a historical front, today was the wedding of a very mismatched royal pair, Henry VI and Marguerite d’Anjou, on April 22, 1445. And I forgot that yesterday was the death date of Henry Tudor in 1509, or otherwise I’d have baked a cake. Interestingly, they don’t seem to know for sure what killed him; he was only in his early fifties. He’d apparently suffered from ill health for some time and I’ve seen tuberculosis suggested as one possibility; that seems to be the most likely cause of death of his grandson, Edward VI.
I’ve been meaning to ask this. Are many of you watching Wolf Hall? And what is the verdict so far?
I have been watching “Wolf Hall”, I do like it, and I do like Thomas Cromwell, probably the only person I do like from that time period, except Robert Dudley. I always love reading about the TROUBLES that the Tudors have, I am a true Plantagenet! BTW, Sharon, I know I have told you but I want all of your fans to know that after the “Holy Bible”, your “Sunne in Splendour” is the greatest book ever written! Also, Annette and I will be traveling to England within he next two years to see the tomb of Richard III and other places related to him.
Hi, Sharon! Thanks for the book giveaway opportunity. What fun! I still have my first edition hardback of Sunne, though it has long since lost its dust cover and is about to fall apart. It was the first of your books I read, and is honestly what piqued my interest in historical fiction in the first place. YOU made me like historical fiction, and for that I will always be grateful.
I don’t do Twitter, though I think it can be beneficial. You could tweet links to your blog entries, to other authors’ websites if something cool is going on, dates of potential book signings, etc. For me, if I were an author, it would be a useful tool but not something I’d spend my life on.
I love my kindle, I have to say. It eliminates the agony of trying to decide which book(s) to bring on vacation. Now I can just bring them all! 🙂 But I do have all my favorite authors’ books in hard copy and wouldn’t give that up for anything. I hope real books don’t ever disappear.
I’ve been watching Wolf Hall and am enjoying it. I haven’t read the books yet, I confess, but the show is very pro-Cromwell, anti-Boleyn. I admit I’ve a soft spot for Anne Boleyn, but it is interesting to see various interpretations of her. I am enjoying Mark Rylance’s performance a great deal. I think he’s very well cast.
I, for one, would hate it if Booktours were done away with! I loved the opportunity to meet you at the Third Place Store in Seattle last year!
I have dabbled in Twitter, but find myself rather disenchanted with it recently, and this has nothing whatever to do with age as I am about the same age as you.
This is my best chance to have a signed book of yours, it’s not easy to have you on a book tour in Italy!
About twitter and its compatibility with “a woman who writes 800 page books”, it doesn’t seem too difficult when the 800 page book leads to a closing sentence such as “when all is said and done, the truth be all we have”.
Just think about a closing sentence and there – you have a twit!
“Sunne” is on my Goodreads to-read list. I would love a copy!
Alright I have to say I loved this blog post. I pretty much hate Twitter although I do follow Diana gabaldon there. I was introduced to her at your lionheart signing at the pen and feel like it kind of changed my life that day, seeing my favorite author and finding my other favorite. I love signings and look forward to them. I hope you can come to Scottsdale again sometime.
I read the welsh trilogy first then Sunne. I didn’t fall in love with Richard like I did Llewelyn fawr but your book gave me a certain not quite affection but certainly understanding for him. I love that I feel like I learn while I enjoy your books. I’ve read the welsh trilogy four times in the eight years since it was recommended to me and it gets better every time, although I’ll admit that I usually slow down on dragons when the part with Joanna and Will de broase approaches. Thank you for sharing your talent and passion with us.
Please excuse the typos… Writing on my phone. Technology is crazy with all the change it brings and it’s pretty amazing too.
I had the pleasure of an evening with Sharon during her book tour, which brought her to Seattle in March, 2014. It was such a thrill to see my favorite author in person! She described the process of her research and love for the Plantagenets. Facebook, emails and blogs are all good, but this evening was a thrill for me. Sharon was obviously grateful for her readers. She was warm and funny. I sent a thank you to the bookstore and the publisher, because there is concern publishers may not continue to send authors out to promote their books. Thank you Sharon for all the many hours of work that ignites our imagination and gives us so much joy!
I couldn’t imagine a world or a life without books. If they ever die out, I would be devastated. I will hold on to mine with dear life anyway! I am all in favour of book tours. Come to Ireland on your next one Sharon!
As you can see, I was introduced to long names at birth. While my name does not usually fit on a form, both my grandmothers were happy. I love reading your historical fiction and am always pleased you do not expect to fit the history of the medieval era in 200 pages of narrative. I would be honored to add your book to my shelves.
I read this book way back in high school, the librarians pointed it out to me when i asked for “the best historical fiction stories they could think of”, I was HOOKED from then on. I wish you would do more book tours, I met you during one in 2009 (for Devil’s Brood) and I’ve always hoped you’d come by on another one.
I have been trapped in Outremer all day, am surfacing to say HI, and to say that I plan to save all of these comments on Sunne; they will be a lifeline on those days all writers have, the ones when we are convinced we could not write a shopping list, much less another novel.
Meanwhile, I wanted to share this video with my fellow dog lovers.
Sharon, I have cherished my copy of Sunne from the first time I read it to the fifth (or more) time! I am on Facebook, and am grateful that you accepted me as your friend. Am not on Twitter. I would love to come to one of your book signings. Oh, and I’ve tried some kindle books, but nothing is better than having a real live book in my hands. Thank you, Sharon, for giving us such a gift!
Sunne was the first book of yours that I ever read and I have read all others published since. I have loved medieval history since studying it in school and your books bring the characters to life!
A couple of thoughts about your post. First, I absolutely love your book tours. I have been to every one in my area. I always buy several signed copies of your new book (whatever it is) at your readings so that I can give signed copies to my friends and fellow Penman enthusiasts. Second, Sunne in Splendour was my first Penman book, and it got me started in what is now more than thirty years of reading about Richard. I am a thoroughgoing Ricardian, having written an article about him some years ago and making a point of visiting Middleham when in England. A poster of Richard sits on my office wall. Occasionally one of my students comments on it, sometimes reflecting that the picture looks like Thomas More, thereby enabling me to (a) correct them and (b) give them a copy of Sunne in Splendour of their own (I usually have a paperback copy available for this purpose).
I am looking forward to your next book!
I would love to win a copy of Sunne! I haven’t ever been to a book signing, but I would go if you ever came to southwest VA!
Dear Ms. Penman,
Thank you for researching and sharing your insights into the Middle Ages. I have just purchase the Kindle edition of The Sunne in Splendour and am enjoying every minute!
I also sent you a note via email. Very kindest regards and thank you again for good quality writing!
Kindest regards,
Hi Sharon,
As someone who never believed in the “evil hunched-back Richard”, I was thrilled to read your “Sunne” when it was first published years ago. I have been a fan of your novels ever since and have several signed editions from a reading you did in Minneapolis some time ago. Please come back!
Love your work – all the best to you.
Jane Engel
Hi Sharon–I have my original copy of Sunne but would still love the updated version so I’m emailing the book gods to win this one. As long as you’ve been writing, I’ve been reading your books. Now, though, I’m–dare I say it?–following in your footsteps and writing my own historical fiction. You might remember my Loyalist trilogy, two down, working on third.
All best
Jane, how wonderful to hear from you again! E-mail on the way.
Again, thank you all for these amazing Sunne compliments.
This has to be the perfect confluence of modern technology and myth. Google has mapped the Loch Ness Monster’s lake. How cool is that? I find it hard to believe in unicorns but I like to think that Nessie is swimming around in those dark depths, having wisely decided to avoid people at all costs. So while it amused me that Google is monster-hunting, I hope the final score of this underwater game will be Loch Ness Monster 1, Google 0.
Beautiful cover, would love to add that to my collection of your work, and will probably hunt this down to add to my library.
As for Twitter, I have an account, but really don’t use it. I use Facebook to keep track of my favorite authors.
I would love a signed copy. I read this book not long after it came out and have been rereading it over the years, along with all your other historical books and mysteries.
I would love a signed copy. Here Be Dragons was my first SKP’s book and loved it. I have since finished the series and wish there is a movie.
Would like to read more of SKP’s books.
I don’t use Twitter or Facebook. I only use Goodreads to follow my favorite authors, and SKP is one of my favorite!
Here is Entertainment Weekly’s James Hibbard, giving a recap of last night’s Game of Thrones episode, followed by the New York Times review. As always, SPOILERS, so do not read if you’ve not yet seen the show. I will say only that they share our shock at the turn the series has taken away from the books when it comes to the unluckiest person in all of Westeros. (Naturally a Stark.) We all know Master Martin can be merciless when it comes to his characters—and his readers! But he now seems like Mother Theresa compared to the HBO writers.
I have the original edition, taped in many places, water damaged and even a little fire damaged from our house fire last year, but I will never let it go. I would, however, love to have a copy of the new edition!
Because your writing inspires this in me (and many of my fellow readers)
“All good books are alike in that they are truer than if they had really happened and after you are finished reading one you will feel that all that happened to you and afterwards it all belongs to you; the good and the bad, the ecstasy, the remorse and sorrow, the people and the places and how the weather was.” – Ernest Hemingway
Sharon, you can omit me from the draw because I already own the splendid 2013 edition, so just to say what a great blog & am so enjoying the comments. I’m in the category of those readers who gratefully got hooked on “Here Be Dragons”, creating a new (& assuredly lifelong) interest in history, esp the MA, but also branching out. What a fun convention coming up!! I’d definitely volunteer for some stage fun.
As for Twitter…..I’d definitely follow.
Book Tours….how I’d love to attend one of yours!
“Wolf Hall”…..LOVE IT even though not familiar with all the historic deets.
And to the teacher Leslie who added (great) historical fiction to her classroom library…..Kudos to you!!! Many students will be forever grateful for this special teacher.
Since my Facebook readers asked to friend me knowing that I’d written a thousand page book about Richard III in which my Richard bore little resemblance to Shakespeare’s bottled spider, I think it is safe to assume that most of you are Yorkists at heart. So today we celebrate the birthday on August 28, 1442 of Edward, eldest son of the Duke of York and Cecily Neville. (Just in passing, no, I do not believe he was the result of a liaison between the proud duchess and an archer; I think that is about as likely as my chances of finding a unicorn in my garden tomorrow morning.) Speaking of unicorns, anyone read that short story by James Thurber, in which a husband tells his ill-tempered wife that there is a unicorn in their garden, which does not end well for the wife.
Getting back to Edward of York, I confess that he is one of my favorite characters. There are very few I enjoyed writing about as much as Edward, and I missed him very much after he had to die. I think it was his sense of humor that I found so appealing; Edward took little in life too seriously, including himself, and it was great fun writing his scenes with his wife, who took everything with deadly seriousness. He had interesting flaws, too; perfect people are rather boring, both in person and in fiction. You can usually tell if I do not like a character in one of my books; he will have no sense of humor whatsoever and will be cheap in the bargain; paging Henry Tudor. But I play fair. You all know Edward I is not one of my favorite kings, but he did have a sharp sense of humor and I let the readers see that, as well as other admirable qualities like his courage, intelligence, affection for his wife. Now his father, Henry III, was by no means a villain; he was a decent man simply in over his head, a convincing argument against hereditary kingship. Naturally I loved writing about the Welsh princes, who offered me a rare opportunity to surprise my readers.
I think I probably had the most fun, though, with the Angevins, for Henry and Eleanor and their Devil’s Brood were all born scene-stealers, quick-witted, sardonic, dramatic, ruthless, and always entertaining. I am going to miss them even more than I missed Edward once Sunne was finished. Fortunately, writers are fickle and we move on, so I am now having fun in Outremer with another cast of colorful characters, for as my favorite writer, Mark Twain, expressed it so well—Truth is always stranger than Fiction, for fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, and Truth isn’t. Certainly not when the Plantagenets were involved.
PS This was also the date in 1192 that Conrad of Montferrat, newly named as King of Jerusalem was murdered in the streets of Tyre by two of the feared cult, the Assassins. I didn’t get to give him many scenes in Lionheart since he was at odds with Richard, who supported Conrad’s rival, Guy de Lusignan, not one of Richard’s better decisions; the bitter rivalry between Richard and the French king, Philippe Capet, led both of them astray more than once. Conrad will get more time on center stage in Outremer, much more so than his elder brother, who was of great importance to the kingdom, but who got only one line of dialogue in his brief appearance.
In a world where so many use social media, I guess I’m still a bit suspicious of it and only use FB to keep up with friends & relatives – no twitter for me. I only recently bought a kindle and only because my shelves are groaning under the weight of my collection and my family rolls their eyes each time I head to the bookstore. I am amazed at how many books I can collect electronically, as I have bookstack ‘tables’ scattered around the rooms of my home, but nothing compares to holding a hardback book in your hands. I would thrilled and honored to have a signed copy of Sunne in my collection. I’m sure I could find a place for it.
Thank you Sharon for your post about Edward IV. My favourite parts in Sunne were with Edward and his wife – especially with their differing points of view.
Not sure if this was posted earlier but April 26th 1616 was the death date of William Shakespeare. While his play about Richard III was not a favourite on this blog- I personally enjoyed a great deal of his other plays especially Macbeth.
I neither twitter nor tweet, but I do enjoy your blog. I still cite SIP as my favorite of your books.
I bought The Sunne in Splendor 12 years ago after reading “The daughter of time”: I wanted to know more about the “true” Richard III! I have read it three times since them (a thing I rarely do), and ALL the other books by SKP are now in my library (some of them both as real books and as e-books in my Kindle).
And every time I go to London, I always find half an hour to visit the National Portrait Gallery: Richard and his brother Edward are there, like good old friends…
I have a paperback copy of The Sunne in Splender and would love to have a hardcover, especially signed. I try to pick up used hardcover copies of favorite books.
Sorry for the disappearing act. I could blame it on the Deadline Dragon, which is my usual MO. For all I know, he had a hand—or claw—in the spread of the Black Death, the San Francisco earthquake, and even the constant failure over the years of the brilliant, subversive series, Buffy and the Vampire Slayer, never to receive a single Emmy nomination. But he is actually innocent for once, or as innocent as dragons ever are. I was AWOL for a more mundane reason—I wasn’t feeling well this week.
I hope to get back to Outremer today, where Baldwin has been much sicker than me, stricken with pneumonia. You’d think having to cope with leprosy would be more than enough for the lad, but that disease also compromised the immune systems of lepers, making Baldwin vulnerable to other ailments, too.
Before I disappear back into the 12th century, May 2nd was an interesting day on the historical calendar. On May 2nd, 1230, William de Braose, grandson of Maude de Braose, who’d been starved to death in one of King John’s dungeons, was publicly hanged by Llywelyn Fawr, having been caught in the bedchamber of Llywelyn’s beloved wife, Joanna. I say “beloved” because there is no other explanation for what he did—he forgave her and eventually restored her to favor, even though doing so was a great political risk. In the MA, cuckolded husbands were figures of fun, especially older men married to younger women, as was the case with Llywelyn and Joanna. His risk was compounded by the fact that Joanna’s lover was, like her, Norman-French, so Llywelyn’s Welsh subjects were even more outraged by her behavior. If the skeptics need additional proof that Llywelyn loved his wife, upon her death, he established a Franciscan friary in her honor, a gesture right up there with Edward I’s Eleanor crosses for his deceased queen.
I forgot to post this earlier–Sorry, Anne!
May 2nd was also the date in 1536 when Anne Boleyn was arrested and taken to the Tower of London, which would, as we know, soon lead to her execution. Anne certainly had her share of flaws, probably one reason why she continues to fascinate people so many centuries after her death. But I doubt that anyone–certainly no historian that I am aware of—believes that she was guilty of adultery and incest. Henry had truly become a monster by then, willing to sacrifice several innocent men in order to rid himself of a wife he no longer wanted. I have always thought that the Lord Mayor was one of the most courageous men in Tudor England, for he dared to say publicly after Anne’s sham of a trial that no proof had been offered of her guilt.
Sir Ralph Warren was the Lord Mayor of London in 1536. While Henry was a vindictive person (a king’s Herald who made the mistake of treating one of the leaders of the Pilgrimage of Grace with respect was hung drawn and quartered) Sir Ralph died in his bed. Indeed Henry VIII even had him knighted
Apparently one of Sir Ralph’s descendants was Oliver Cromwell who did what Henry VIII would have thought unthinkable- he had a kings head cut off.
That is very interesting, Theresa. I’ve often wondered how Sir Ralph managed to avoid going to the Tower for his candor; we know Henry was not noted for his forgiving nature, at least not by that time in his life. My favorite Lord Mayor of London was Thomas Fitz Thomas, Simon de Montfort’s ally. He, too, was very courageous, but unlike Sir Ralph, Thomas paid a high price for it. Edward violated his own safe-conduct and imprisoned Thomas for four years, which ruined his health and burdened his family with debt.
Now that the royal baby watch has come to a happy end, the name game begins. Apparently the three favorite names are Alice, Charlotte, or Olivia. I am a traditionalist, I guess, for I’d like the new baby to be named Elizabeth or Eleanor, though that one is not too likely. And of course I’d not have chosen George; I wanted another King Richard! Here is a link to more royal baby names. What do you all think? Any favorites of your own?
And back to the Middle Ages, May 3rd was an important date on the Yorkist calendar. Cecily Neville was born on May 3rd, 1415 and her daughter, Margaret, future Duchess of Burgundy, was born on that same day in 1446. I found this interesting as my grandmother and my mother also shared the same birthday, in their case, February 19th.
On a sadder note, May 3rd, 1152 was the date of death for Stephen’s queen, Matilda of Boulogne. I don’t think he ever fully recovered from losing her. I really enjoyed writing about her in Saints, for she changed in the course of the book, going from a traditional wife and mother to a woman capable of leading armies, much to her surprise.
I’m so happy for the royal family, what a precious new princess. Oh wouldn’t Eleanor be a great pick!! I didn’t want Elizabeth but all for Eleanor! I think the little tyke bears a slight resemblance to her great-grandma, Elizabeth II. I’ve never cared for the name George & that sweet boy does look like a Richard (my brother’s name & he was a pudgy beautiful blond toddler too).
Not sure if you are still taking entries into the book give away. I would love to enter. You have become my favorite author.
You are now in the drawing, Susan. I always try to keep a book drawing blog up for several weeks, giving readers enough time to enter.
May 4, 1471 was a date of great significance for the House of York—the battle of Tewkesbury, which brought the Wars of the Roses to a bloody end. It was also one of my favorite battles—in the sense that it was exciting to write about. I would not have dared to invent the shocking events of that day had they not actually happened. If any of you have not yet read The Sunne in Splendour, stop here, for SPOILERs abound. Dramatic battles have certainly occurred in my novels—Bosworth, Lewes, Evesham, Lincoln, the Lionheart’s crusade, to name the most obvious.
But Tewkesbury was a historical novelist’s dream. It began with a desperate chase, as Marguerite d’Anjou sought to get her son into Wales and Edward of York defied the very laws of nature by catching up to the Lancastrians before they could cross the Severn. Their commander, the Duke of Somerset, came up with a reckless battle plan, one that would be judged as brilliant or disastrous depending upon the outcome. Taking advantage of the rough terrain that limited visibility, he led the vanguard in a flank attack upon Edward’s center. It should have worked, but Edward was able to to rally his men and kept them from breaking under the onslaught, all the while expecting the Lancastrian center under Lord Wenlock to join Somerset in the assault.
Sunne, page 472
* * *
When his hidden spearmen joined the struggle against Somerset, Edward at last let himself hope he might prevail. Where in Christ was Wenlock? He didn’t understand, could only thank God for the uncanny luck that had always been his. And then he thanked God for his brother, for the Yorkist vanguard was suddenly there, how he did not know, didn’t care, and once again he’d won, against all odds and expectations. His stallion was limping badly; he slid from the saddle and, leaning against the animal’s heaving side, he began to laugh.
* * *
Three things saved the House of York that day: Edward’s charismatic ability to make men willing to die for him, the failure of Wenlock to join in Somerset’s bold attack, and Edward’s decision to entrust the vanguard to his eighteen year old brother, Richard, for as soon as he realized what was happening, he managed to get the two thousand men of the vanguard turned around so they could come to Edward’s aid.
Why didn’t Wenlock move against the Yorkists? We don’t know for sure, but Somerset had no doubts. One of the few to survive the carnage as his men were trapped between Edward’s center and Richard’s vanguard, he rode straight for the Lancastrian center and shattered Wenlock’s skull with one swing of his battle axe. Now what novelist would dare to make something like that up?
But the killing was not over yet.
Sunne, page 477. Somerset’s brother arrived on the scene to find Somerset drenched in blood, staring down blindly at Wenlock’s body while the young Lancastrian prince pleaded with him that none of this was his fault and their soldiers were understandably in a state of panic. John Beaufort cut through Somerset’s shock, shouting that Edward was leading the Yorkist center right toward them.
* * *
Somerset tried. He broke his heart trying. Shouting until his voice failed him. Striking about him with the flat of his sword at his fleeing soldiers. Spurring his shuddering mount upon the men of York until the animal quite simply came to the end of its endurance and no longer responded to the rasping of the silver rowels or the pressure of the bit in its bloodied mouth. Even then, he persisted. Scorning his own safety, he took chances that bordered on madness. But courage was no longer enough, not now.
The Sunne of York bannered the field, swept all before it. The heart had gone from the Lancastrian army. They’d seen their vanguard slaughtered, seen their leaders turn upon each other. Now men cast aside their weapons, sought only to save themselves, and Somerset alone tried to hold them against York.
Devon was dead. So was Somerset’s brother. Prince Edouard had long since fled the field, urged on by the bodyguards sworn to see to his safety. Somerset’s men drowned trying to cross the Avon, died trying to reach the sanctuary of the abbey. Somerset found himself upon a field with his dead and the exultant soldiers of the White Rose, and as he raged among them, cursing and sobbing, even death seemed to elude him. Until at last he sank to his knees, had not the strength to rise, to lift his sword, watching through a red wavering haze the death of the House of Lancaster.
* * *
The aftermath of the battle was no less dramatic. Many Lancastrians had fled into the abbey church, with the Yorkist soldiers hot on their heels. They were stopped from turning the church into a bloodbath by the abbot, who barred the doorway and threatened eternal damnation to any who dared to violate sanctuary. A knight rode his stallion right up onto the abbey porch, reminding the abbot that Tewkesbury had no royal charter, nor had it been named as a sanctuary church by papal bull. The abbot went pale as he realized that “There’d been nothing of the awe of the priesthood in that cold, derisive voice, only arrogance and a sophisticated knowledge of canon law such as few laymen would have.” Horror swept the men trapped in the church as they realized the speaker’s identity—the Yorkist king.
But Edward was not usually vengeful and he let the abbot persuade him to spare their lives—until he learned that Somerset and thirteen highborn Lancastrian lords were among those in the church. He had them taken out by force, tried for treason, and executed, giving me the opportunity to write a scene between Richard, England’s young Lord Constable, and Edmund Beaufort, Earl of Somerset, his honorable enemy.
Every year they do a re-enactment of the battle at Tewkesbury and when we were there on my Richard III tour, they told us that it is quite famous, with people coming from all over Europe. I would love to see that myself one day, and I am guessing that most of you would, too. I am not so keen on watching a re-enactment of Bosworth for obvious reasons. The last time I was there, I did my best to convince them that they’d get world-wide publicity if they ever let Richard win the battle. I think they were in sympathy with the idea, so we can always hope; what better year to correct history then this one?
Sharon, you did get your wish in that Elizabeth is the new princess’s 2nd name. And how lovely that Diana is part of her name.
I don’t use Twitter, and I only go on Facebook in fits and starts, when I receive an email notice of an interesting post on the SKP group page or on my niece’s page. I don’t use my phone very much when I’m at home since it doesn’t work inside the walls of my house. Twitter just seems like one medium too many to strain available time, and there’s no way I could write quickly in 140 characters.
My niece just took my oldest great-niece to London for her sixteenth birthday, which generated many interesting posts. This great-niece is a history buff, so I’m sending her my very battered vintage trade paperback copy of Sunne. It’s held together with rubber bands and the pages are in clumps of one to fifteen separate pages. When you read it, you keep it open with paperweights on each side, removing one clump at a time and replacing each before plucking the next. Thus, although in hundreds of parts, read countless times, there are no missing pages.
I am a Yorkist by preference but I do confess to feeling rather sad when I read of the downfall of the Lancastrians during the battle of Tewkesbury in Sunne.
On the other hand, it may have been a blessing for England that Edward IV prevailed. When I first read Game of Thrones, the character of Viserys reminded me of Edouard of Lancaster- I don’t know why, but it just did.
I have some good news about Sunne and therefore, Richard. No, HBO has not come calling. But Amazon.UK did. Sunne has been chosen as Amazon.UK’s Deal of the Month, starting today. It is being offered at a greatly reduced price, 99 pence, and will be promoted as well. In the past, when one of my mysteries was chosen as Amazon.UK’s Deal of the Day, they all ended up on its e-book bestseller list, one of the rare times when that platitude about a rising tide lifting all boats proved true. I am hoping that Sunne follows the same route; at the least, it will be drawing in new readers, always a good thing for Richard.
Oh, and there is still time to enter the drawing to win a personalized hardcover edition of Sunne, with the second prize being a signed paperback copy. It is not restricted to my British readers; anyone in the world—even the galaxy—can enter simply by posting a comment on my blog.
If I ever had the wonderful opportunity to meet you at a book signing, I would weep tears of joy. You have brought medieval times alive for me, and for that I will always be grateful.
I would love to win a signed copy. I have for some reason misplaced mine, I suspect I lent it out and it wasn’t returned, but I did have more than one copy hmm. I do have it on my Kindle, but would love a hardback to add to my SKP bookshelf 🙂
Sunne was my first Penman and an absolute reread every year! My well loved original copy is showing the ravages of many readings and will always have a place on my bookshelf but it would be marvelous to have another new copy to continue the annual read 🙂
A signed copy of the Anniversary edition would be a glorious addition to my library! This might sound a little odd, but I’m also trying to collect enough copies of the various editions to leave to my grandchildren. Some are not yet old enough to know of my Ricardian interest, but many are. And continuing the cause to bring some balance and fairness to Richard’s life is one of my ongoing passions.
Kindle and e-publishing have found their place in the world, but nothing replaces the sheer joy of holding a solid book. As for book launches, years ago as a rosy-eyed debut novelist, I asked my editor about a book launch. “Not thought worth doing from a publishing perspective,” he told me, “but have one if you want.” So I did – and for the next book and the one following that. The best bit about book launches is meeting people – people who are there because they like your books and want to talk to you about them. You get to know your readership and to thank them for taking the time to read your work. What could be better than that?
Congratulations on your anniversary; here’s to the next thirty!
As Sharon knows, it was Sunne that brought me to her and so it remains my most treasured book. I, too, buy any copies I find so that I can loan to friends without worry. I love book tours and took my Mom and youngest son to meet Sharon when she came to Florida…almost 6 hours away but worth every minute. I have a Twitter account but have never used it…obviously, I cannot limit myself to 140 characters, either! I DO love Facebook and all of the friends and fans of Sharon and her works. OK OK Stop! Loyaulté me lie
I truly could not imagine a world without books and I hope that it never happens. I also would love to attend a book tour, I was trying to see you last year when you came to az but sadly did not get a chance to. To be able to meet you, one of my favorite authors would be an honor and I probably would not be able to stop talking:). Congrats on the anniversary and I can’t wait to read your next novel!
Oh goodness, thanks so much for the chance. I made the grievous error of lending my copy of Sunne to a student last spring and it has yet to return. The Kindle copy I bought is just not the same as the feel of paper.
As for Twitter, it is too wild for me. I have an account but hardly ever use it. I prefer to hang out on Facebook in the groups whenever possible. At least there people use full words.
Maybe I’m unusual for my age, but I don’t have Twitter and don’t miss it either. But I love book tours! It would be the most amazing thing ever if you came to Germany one day, no matter which city.
PS: I’d love to win the signed edition of The Sunne. It would probably get a place in my cabinet. 😀
I was going to be sitting home after some knee surgery, so I went to Barnes and Noble (before the Amazon days) and looked for some lenghty tomes. I found Sunne and added it to the stack. After I read it over a couple days, I had a friend cart me and my crutches back to B&N to buy all of the books by Sharon that they had in stock and even ordered a couple others. So I have been a Sharon friend for ever. The Best trip to a book store was to meet her in person and get an autographed copy of Lionheart. I am not sure where my Sunne book is. I probably loaned it to someone, so a new copy on the shelf would be great.
a wonderful opportunity – thank you
Sunne was given to me my 1st week as an exchange student in German in 1984. I was far from home, had no idea what anyone was saying so I read. A lot.
Sunne helped me get through that really hard time. I must have read it at least 10 times since and it pulls me in every time.
How could I resist applying for the chance to have a signed copy? I absolutely couldn’t. Hardbacks have a special shelf on my bookcase due to size, so not in the normal alphabetic by author layout of my paperbacks, so this would sit proudly next to King’s Ransom.
I do hope publishers don’t ever stop physical book tours – I haven’t had the privilege of meeting Sharon yet, but hope someday I shall.
A new copy of “Sunne” would be a real treat. My copy is on the verge of being loved to death..
I have a much-loved very tatty, dog-earded copy of Sunne, part of its charm is the very raggedness of it as it tells the tale of many hands and minds engrossed in its depths. I would dearly love a signed copy,… regardless whether I am lucky enough to win one, I will always hold my original copy close to heart. Thank-you <3
I would sooooo love a copy! I live in the heart of South America, Paraguay, so it’s not very easy to get your books, Sharon!
I am so happy to report that Sunne is soaring higher than Daenerys’s dragon, Drogon. Before it was named as Amazon.UK’s Deal of the Month yesterday, Sunne was selling in the 12,000 range. The last time I looked, it was 238, nestled atop their political bestseller list. If my British readers and those with friends in the UK would like to share the news on your own Facebook pages that Sunne’s bargain price is just 99 pence, you’ll win the everlasting gratitude of a historical novelist and a medieval king. The more new readers we can attract for Sunne, the fewer people will believe Shakespeare’s “bottled spider” was the real Richard!
On the historical front, on May 6th, 1191, another King Richard proved yet again that truth is always stranger than fiction whenever the Angevins were involved. The Lionheart’s fleet had been separated in a violent storm and the ship carrying his sister and betrothed, Joanna and Berengaria, had been blown as far as Cyprus, where they faced a very real danger by the self-proclaimed emperor, Isaac Comnenus. The man may have been a monster—the Cypriots certainly thought so—but he was still clever enough to realize what valuable hostages the women would be, and threatened to take them ashore by force if need be. Joanna had been stalling for time, which was rapidly running out. The chroniclers gave a dramatic account of their plight, gazing hopelessly out to sea when suddenly a sail appeared on the horizon.
Lionheart, page 221
* * *
It seemed to take forever before those on deck could see it, too, a large ship skimming the waves, its sails billowing out like canvas clouds. When the lookout yelled that there were two ships, excitement swept the buss, for with these reinforcements, surely they could fend off Isaac’s galleys? (Omission) “You see,” Berengaria said with a beatific smile. “God does hear our prayers.”
“Yes, he does,” Joanna agreed, for it would have been churlish to quibble with salvation. But she could not banish the question from her mind as she could from her lips. Where was the fleet? Where was Richard?
It happened with such suddenness that men were not sure at first if they could trust their senses. There was nothing to the west but sea and sky and those two ships tacking against the wind. And then the horizon was filled with sails, stretching as far as the eye could see. A moment of stunned disbelief gave way almost at once to pandemonium, and for the rest of their lives, there would be men who vowed they’d never experienced an emotion as overwhelming as the joy of deliverance on a May Sunday off the coast of Cyprus.
The sharp-eyed sailors spotted it first. “The Sea-Cleaver! The king’s galley!” But Richard’s women needed to see it for themselves, scarcely breathing until it came into focus, looking like a Norse long-ship, its hull as red as the sunset, its sails catching the wind, and streaming from its masthead the banner emblazoned with the royal lion of England.
Berengaria found it hard to tear her gaze away from the sight of that blessed galley. “It is like a miracle, Joanna,” she said in awe, “that he should reach us in our hour of greatest need.”
Joanna gave a shaken laugh. “Richard has always had a talent for making a dramatic entrance, but he has outdone himself with this one!”
* * *
As I so often find myself saying with the Plantagenets, who would dare to make something like this up?
I would like to thank all of my Facebook friends who shared the news about Sunne’s bargain price on your own Facebook pages. (It is now #212!) I really appreciate your help, and I am sure Richard does, too. I feel the need to speak for him since I doubt that he has Wi-Fi at Leicester Cathedral.
I have some news about the first King Richard, too. Macmillan is publishing the paperback edition of A King’s Ransom today. Another very dramatic cover; the Macmillan art department has a flair for that, and I suspect the Lionheart would approve. He appears larger than life, defiant, fearless, and handsome in a dangerous sort of way. Knowing what we do of Richard’s personality—no shrinking violet, he—that probably matches his own self-image. Whereas I think the Richard on the paperback cover of Sunne looked resolute, but haunted. I will include that link, too, for those who have not seen it.
A bargain day for readers of historical fiction. As many of you know by now, Amazon.UK has selected Sunne as a Deal of the Month, which means it is available for only 99 pence. And one of my readers noticed that Elizabeth Chadwick’s novel, Shadows and Strongholds, is currently being offered by the Amazon mother ship for only $1.99.
I’d love a copy of Sunne! Though I’d probably still keep my original, which was my Mom’s – who introduced me to SKP and would be thrilled to see all the excitement over Richard.
I forgot to post the EW recap of last week’s episode of Game of Thrones, but better late than never. Don’t read it if you’ve not yet seen the episode. There is also an interesting interview with the character who was killed, although said character is still alive and well in the books.
And thanks to all of you who shared the news about Sunne’s status as an Amazon.UK Deal of the Month; it was ranked at 280 the last time I checked and is #2 on their political bestseller list. They have interesting subdivisions on Amazon; Lionheart was on their War bestseller list for quite a while, which would have pleased Richard, of course. Sunne should really be on their biography bestseller list, too, wouldn’t you think?
So here is the link, and a sad thought. Tomorrow’s Game of Thrones episode will mark the half-way point in this season. How is that possible?
I love the book tours. I have gone to Houston, I believe, three times for your book tours. As for twitter, who has time for that. Facebook is enough. I have often felt that social media is misnamed. I think it is more like anti-social media. People don’t know how to talk to someone in person any more. So many can’t look you in the eye and say hello. I digress. I would love to have a new copy of “Sunne”.
I adore Sunne,it is one of my all time favourite books. I would love a new copy mine is definitely well loved.
I have been thrilled with all the excitment over Richard it’s been wonderful to see people who are too history focused to get involved and find out more about him. I’m mostly just excited because he is my favourite monarch.
Book tours are amazing and I wish there were more epically here Melbourne. I love having the chance to be able to meet favourite authors of mine and thank them for their beautiful stories
What a wonderful chance to re-read Sunne. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win a copy.
I have just finished reading Sunne in Splendour for the first time after a lifetime of reading (I’m 87). I borrowed it from my daughter and I would treasure my own copy. I spent many happy hours reading it and was thrilled to find such a beautiful account of my favorite time and place in history. I love that Richard III was portrayed as a more human and kindly man which I always felt he was.
My wonderful chiropractor—who really should be named Merlin—has returned, which means that I am no longer being held hostage by a recalcitrant back and can contact the real world once again. (Does Facebook qualify as the “real world,” you think?) To celebrate my liberation, I am posting EW’s delightfully snarky recaps by James Hibberd for the last two episodes of Game of Thrones.
This season is about as dark as the bottom of a mine shaft, making the tragic endings of some of my books seem like a day at the circus. I had an unsettling thought about the Game of Thrones series the other day. We all have hopes and expectations as to how we would like it to end. But it occurred to me that the last man standing could be Littlefinger. Do you guys think GRRM would do that to us?
I do have some non-negotiable demands, which mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, of course. But I want Roose Bolton and his psycho son to die, preferably in the most painful way possible. I want Sansa to get revenge for the destruction of her family and if she wants to include the HBO writers on her hit list, that is okay with me; not even Master Martin married her off to Ramsay, who is even worse than Joffrey, as horrifying as that is to contemplate. I want Daenerys to thrive; her anti-slavery passion is probably not in her best interest, but it is admirable and that is not a word we often get to use in Westeros, is it? I want her dragons to thrive, too; maybe they could be taught to eat the more obnoxious characters instead of the children of shepherds? I want Jon Snow to discover that the world will not end if he repudiates an oath he never wanted to make in the first place. And I want Tyrion to have whatever his heart desires; he’s earned it.
Now here are the links, as promised.
I didn’t think anything would be worse than the Red Wedding. Obviously I was wrong.
Queen Anne Boleyn was executed 19 May 1536
Apparently Henry VIII sent for the French executioner from Calais before he had even ordered Anne Boleyn to stand trial for treason and adultery. Of which she and the other co-accused men were probably innocent.
Anne Boleyn’s daughter Elizabeth I reportedly made few references to her mother. But she was said to have stated that Sir Henry Norris (one of Annes supposed lovers) “died in a noble cause and in the justification of her mothers innocence.”
Take that Henry.
I always thought that Anne requested the French king to send his best man with a sword for her execution, Theresa. Not true, then?
Today’s Facebook Note.
May 21st, 1471 was the death date for the saddest of the English kings, who was put to death in the Tower of London, proof that Edward was capable of both mercy and ruthlessness. Aside from poor Henry, all the other medieval kings were capable of ruthlessness, some more so than others; calling the first Edward. But not all of them were capable of mercy. It is unfortunate, though, that Edward was not heeding his merciful angel on May 21stt.
I also wanted to remind you all that there is still time to enter my book giveaway for Sunne; just go to my blog, post a comment, and you’re in! And for my British readers, Sunne is still being offered on Amazon.UK for only 99 pence; that price should hold till the first week in June.
I am an avid Kindle reader as I just don’t have the physical space for all the books I read. That being said, there are certain authors for whom I will always buy a physical book. SKP is one of those authors. The first SKP I ever purchased was Here Be Dragons. I was hooked on Sharon. Sunne in Splendour is one of my all time favourites! Keep on writing please!
Sharon, I would like to enter into the draw for the book – not for myself, as I already own Sunne as you know, but in a couple of weeks my closest friend will be coming over here to a historic holiday (with yours truly playing tour guide!), and I’ve been introducing her to all my favourite historical novels. I honestly can’t think of a better gift to send her back to America with than a signed copy of Sunne in glorious hardback. Thanks again for doing this giveaway, and good luck to everyone hoping to win!
Sunne is my favorite book, I own three different copies!
Sharon, like everyone else, I am absolutely PANTING for the chance to receive an autographed copy of your splendid book, The Sunne in Splendour. I wish everyone the best of luck and, to the lucky winner…I’ll be content knowing that you have a wonderful book from one of my very favorite historical fiction authors!!! (I personally think you should be classified in the non-fiction category).
I enjoy book tours…would love to see you here on the Sunshine Coast, Sharon 🙂 Most of the authors we see here, though, are local ones as our community is a little isolated (only accessible by ferry or float plane)…
I’m glad you’re back on board, Sharon. Keep that chiropractor nearby & hope your back cooperates. I know many who consider their chiros their salvation, held in the same high esteem as their favorite saints.
Anne’s ordeal was terrifying & very real! One of the most dramatic scenes ever. Also very sad. The swordsman was brilliant. I just read somewhere that once a head is severed, it takes about 8 seconds to lose consciousness. Did someone volunteer, then come back to tell us? One of the details science can tell us today, I suppose. A few months ago, the DVD’s I ordered came at once, so in one w/end I watched 3 beheadings in the excellent films of Anne of the Thousand Days, Mary Queen of Scots, & Lady Jane Grey. The horridness doesn’t get easier to watch.
my first post to get a shot @ getting SUNNE.
King Henry II WAS MY 27th Great Grandfather
LOL at your comment on Twitter. I have an account, but brevity is not one of my more outstanding characteristics. Facebook used to have a limit (maybe word limit?) some years ago, too – thank goodness that was done away with.
You breathe life into your fabulous stories with intelligence and skill. I have read, reread and wept over your characters many times. To posses a signed copy of Sunne would be an honor and a thrill. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.
You had me at Sunne. It was just something I picked up because I love medieval English history (even minored in it in college). Anyway, I was hooked and you are one of the few authors for which I am willing to pay for hardcover copies (just don’t have the means or the room to collect ALL the authors I like, unfortunately). I have read my copy of Sunne so much that it is falling apart; I’m going to have to get a new one before reading it again. Thank you so much for so many hours of enjoyable reading; looking forward to the Outremer book.
Sunne was a breath of fresh air….and I have never looked back. I was amazed at your ‘battle’ scenes. Most writers don’t do them well, but yours are amazing. You are able to describe the times as well as possible, having no way to know how it really is. And……I would love to see more of the Justin mysteries…those are a treat. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your writings.
I discovered Sunne in my school library in 1988, with it immediately setting the benchmark for all historical novels (as yet unsurpassed except by your own work!) and the beginning of my fascination with the War of the Roses and Richard III (so much so that I’m a bit reluctant to delve too deeply into my English background for fear of a Lancastrian link!
I would love a copy of Sunne. I have not read it yet as I have been on the waiting list at the library for 2 months now. I have read most of your other books as they were leant to me by a friend and I loved all of them.
I would so love to win a copy of Sunne. It was the first book I read of yours so it has special memories
Love all your books my favourites being the Welsh Trilogy ( I even have a Welsh husband )
I technically still have the beaten-up paperback copy of Sunne that I first read at the age of thirteen, but it is very fragile and the cover is falling off. It is to blame (or perhaps should be credited) for kickstarting an obsession with the Wars of the Roses that took me through graduate school and led to a published (academic) book of my own on fifteenth-century queens. Would love another copy that is in better condition! 🙂
Sunne is awesome!
I have all of your books on Kindle, but would dearly love to have paper copies! Like a lot of people The Sunne in Splendour is still my favorite. Please include me in the drawing!
Thank you so much.
Sharon, you just”friended” me on Facebook earlier in the week and shared the information about the book give away! I have read several of your books. Sunne was the first and remains my favorite!
Sunne in Splendour was the first time I read one of your books. I loved it then, and it remains my favorite book to this day! I have since read many of your books and they are all wonderful! Thank you for many, many hours of enjoyment!!
Dear Sharon,
My mother gave me The Sunne in Splendour in 1984 as a present to mark my first day at work as a lawyer in Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia (where I come from). I was captivated by Richard from that moment and have read the book at least once or twice a year ever since. I have also become a true blue (and murrey!) Ricardian and am a member of the Richard III Society. I have retraced Richard’s journeys across England as described in your book. Thank you for bringing this very special historical figure to life for me. The Sunne in Splendour will always remain my favourite book on Richard and believe me I have read at least 30 books on him!! Thanks again for bringing Richard into my life!!
The Sunne in Splendour was my first book on Richard….I fell in love. I live in the US and flew to England once to see several “Richard” sites and to attend a conference. I am hoping for a second visit in the next year or two. I have read many books on him but The Sunne remaines my favorite. I would Love to win your new copy : ) Thanks for the contest and many years of great reading !
It’s so nice to see that one of my all-time favorite books is still doing well. The Sunne in Splendour is the first book of yours I read. Funny that something I picked up at a Costco many years go on a whim turned out to be such a wonderful find.
Your work on Richard is the first thing I think of when I hear of The War of the Roses, the Princes in the Tower or even when the remains of Richard were found. It just goes to show how awesome a work it really is!
I have tried Twitter, and honestly I cannot figure it out! I would be willing to give it another try, though.
I hope all of my American friends and readers have been enjoying a tranquil Memorial Day holiday, and that everyone else is enjoying a sunny weekend—yes, even in Wales, where the sun does shine occasionally. I have been trying to remember if I’ve ever celebrated a Memorial Day weekend in which we did not have troops in danger somewhere; sadly, I could not think of any.
Coldplay wrote a couple of sardonic songs for Game of Thrones. The amazing, multi-talented Peter Dinklage performs the first one as Tyrion, followed by a “plea” from Jaime to Cersei. Enjoy. I didn’t know that Coldplay’s drummer had a cameo in the infamous Red Wedding scene; I guess I was too distracted by all that blood.
I may be old fashioned but I think there should be more book tours, nothing can take the place of meeting someone face to face.
I have all the books you have written to date and love them all, and if your publisher ever sends you to New Zealand for a book tour, please let me know.
Here is Sunday’s delightfully snarky recap by EW’s James Hibberd of the last episode of Game of Thrones, with the usual Spoiler alert for those who have not watched it yet.
Just caught this post now! I would love to win the book but I’m not sure the drawing is still open 🙂 i love all the books of yours that I’ve read so far but I haven’t read Sunne yet!
I hope it’s not too late to enter! Ms. Penman inspired me to get a minor in Medieval Studies from Rutgers University after falling madly in love with her gorgeous historical fiction, so it would be beyond amazing to win this book. =)
I would love to win this! Thanks for the chance. 🙂
Such heartbreaking and horrible stories coming out of Texas and the other Midwest states battered by the weekend storms and severe flooding. They all need our prayers and good thoughts.
For my fellow Game of Throners, here is the full 12 minutes of the Coldplay fun and games. Parts of it had me laughing out loud, and not once did I have to cover my eyes the way some Game of Thrones scenes make me do.
Just reading my third book of yours. Would love to read this one next! BTW what i loved about the book, Time and Chance, was Eleanor’s great sense of humor, which I reluctantly had to attribute to you. It makes your books that much more enjoyable! I am loving them.
I have read a lot of your other books – but not Sunne yet
On this date in 1265, the future Edward I made fools of his de Montfort cousins again by tricking them into a horse race that enabled him to escape. Since his escape led to the battle of Evesham and a resounding defeat for Simon and his supporters, I don’t see the need to celebrate this occurrence.
I would rather post a link for my fellow pet lovers for my spaniel, Holly, enjoying a play-date with some canine pals. Yes, she has play-dates now, but hey, only children need to socialize, too, right? (Holly is the glamorous white spaniel with the sweeping plume of a tail, which is the way God meant spaniels to look.)
Oh she’s beautiful Sharon. What a fun time!
This was the book that got me hooked on your style of writing. You put everything in your books that’s necessary for a great read–romance, heartbreak, war and the reality of living in a different era. I hate coming to the end of any of these books, but can’t wait to start a new one. I’ve got a used copy of Sunne but would love an autographed new one from you. Then I could donate my copy to my library so someone else could enjoy it as they don’t have it here.
I would love love love to have a signed copy!!! Please pick me! LOL
Thank you Sharon! You are my favorite author! 🙂
One last mention of the Sunne in Splendour book give-away on my current blog. I hope to do the drawing on June 1st, so there are still two days to enter. Just post a comment and you’ll be eligible to win a signed hardcover copy of Sunne, the new British edition, with the runner-up getting a signed copy of the new paperback edition. And for my British readers, Sunne is still available on Amazon.Uk for the bargain price of 99 pence; I believe the promotion lasts until June 6th or thereabouts.
Here is a remarkable story of a K—9 officer whose life was saved by his canine partner, Lucas, on a dark, lonely Mississippi road. He’d stopped to investigate a lone car parked in a deserted rest stop, only to be attacked by three men with box cutters. They were dragging him into the woods when he was able to hit a remote control that opened his patrol car and freed Lucas to come to his aid. Here is a link to the story; it has been covered world-wide by now.
Briefly, on the historical front, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake on this date in 1431 and the Tudor Bluebeard wed Jane Seymour in 1536, having waited twelve whole days after having his last wife, Anne Boleyn, beheaded at the Tower of London. Wouldn’t it be fascinating to know Jane’s thoughts on her wedding day? Was she a willing participant in her family’s ambitious plans to snare a king? A pawn? An unwilling bride? Sadly, she took her secrets to the grave with her, so we’ll never know. Of course that means that historical novelists have free rein to conjure up those secrets without fear of being wrong.
I am unemployed and don’t own a e-reader which means I do not have the money to purchase books. Even though I am a library lover; I would love a book to call my own!
Love love love Sunne in Splendour, it is and has been, by far my favorite book for thirty years. It was jawdropping to watch the events unfold in Leicester, after reading your book. My children know more about R3 than they EVER wanted to know, and my oldest daughter is reading it for the first time. She is a second generation fan. I am tickled pink at her interest.
This was my first SKP book, like so many others have written. I would be thrilled to make room for this edition on my groaning bookshelves.
Books will never die, a house is not a home without books! There is nothing so magical as opening a book, the smell, the feel, the excitement. The hours spent browsing round secondhand book shops, looking for well thumbed and well loved books that the owners have passed on for others to enjoy. That’s how I first came across The Sunne in Splender, up until then I had never considered history to be interesting before the Tudors, how wrong I was! Thanks Sharon, for opening up an entire new world, from Maude to Richard, I will be forever grateful!
I would love a copy for my classroom library. It is really powerful to have your teacher say “I loved this book” and and hand right over to a smiling someone.
I’d love a copy of Sunne. My old copy is starting to fall apart, so I’d treasure a replacement from Sharon!
My favourite book of all time – I’ve had six copies and lent them all out and they’ve not been returned – thank goodness for Kindle! I don’t begrudge my friends any of my copies – they’re all huge fans now too!
I love Sunne in Splendor! It made me rethink how I viewed Richard III and really appreciate well written historical fiction. It also introduced me to your books and I am an avid fan of yours. When a friend lost my copy of Here Be Dragons; a paperback copy; I promptly went out purchased a new hardcover copy so I would have a complete set of your books. Thank you for writing your books.
Sharon, Sunne in Splendor was my first book of yours I read, and since then, have read all your historical fiction. While I have one book on my ipad, using the Kindle app, I have not yet read it. I so appreciate holding a real book in front of me. As for book tours, the only time I’ve attended a signing was in the early 2000’s, with you. It was at Borders in Wilmington DE. I think one of your mysteries had just been printed. Our son, in college at the time, enjoyed sharing with you that he’d recently written a report for his English class, about the Princes in the Tower. He’d been a big fan on Sunne, and developed his paper using non-fiction sources to enhance his report.
I follow you on Facebook, but have never tweeted.
Since discovering your books, I have learned so much about history. I have visited Bosworth battlefield re inactment many times but now having read Sunne I can relate more to it. History books give the facts but I learn better when proper personality is added. We also spend loads of time visiting castles in wales – I used to just like the look of them but after reading your welsh prince books they have come alive to me and I think of when these people we in these castles. Thank you so much.
My copy of Sunne came from the public library. It’s been handled and well loved you can tell but as long as it’s readable…I’ll keep rereading it. 🙂
I read Sunne so many years ago, but recently I have fallen under the spell of the Planteganets. However after hearing Sarah Hainsworth’s lecture I would love to revisit Richard.
Just under the wire to enter this fabulous contest! Would love to win a copy of Sunne, I can’t believe it was first published 30 years ago. One of my favourites for sure.
I first read the Sunne in Splendor over 30 years ago and loved it. I especially liked the fact that it portrayed Richard II favorably which felt more true to life then other versions which vilified him. I have read almost everything that Ms Penman has written to date and look forward to more. And I would love to have a hard copy version of this book.
I first read the Sunne in Splendor over 30 years ago and loved it. I especially liked the fact that it portrayed Richard II favorably which felt more true to life then other versions which vilified him. I have read almost everything that Ms Penman has written to date and look forward to more.
I first read The Sunne in Splendour 13 years ago and it opened a whole new world to me! I had read novels on Richard III and the Wars of the Roses before but Sunne drew me into the world of Richard and the people who influenced his life. I was brought up with the old stories about Richard; hunch backed, withered arm, a tyrant and murderer, but Sunne opened my eyes into thinking there may be more to Richard than meets the eye! I read more and more about him and my opinons changed. If he had lived longer I believe he would have made a great king, one who could relate to the common man. Thanks to Sharon and her wonderful novel, I discovered Richard and the Wars of the Roses.
You are very generous to offer us a chance to win a signed copy of Sunne. It is one of my favourite books of all time and one of the only ones I re-read regularly. And I have lost count of the number of copies I have bought! I both give it as a gift and lend my copy to people – and often it doesn’t come back. A signed copy would be too precious to lend though!
Sunne is my all time favourite book and I would love to win a signed copy please.
Having again just finished When Christ and His Saints Slept, I am ready for another SKP book, especially if it be signed. I could not help but read aloud to my students during their silent reading the scene with Stephen stopping the execution of William Marshall. I can’t help but appreciate the raw emotion and reactions you put into these scenes, and as always, my students were transfixed. It was rude and mean, they said, to start reading aloud such a good book at the end of the year with no hopes of finishing it before the school year ends. I can’t help but be bummed when a good book is over, and yet still be elated to know that there are several others to read by the same inspiring author. Thank you for this opportunity, and for the countless hours of good reading.
I was on Goodreads and looking for a new (to me) historical author to fall in love with (i go back and forth between historical fiction and science fiction/fantasy) and your name came up. I was/am intrigued and then with a little research found your blog. Already “falling”, love your style, humor and English history (much of my family history is English- just peasants so far). Looking forward to some great literature. Thank you.
The Sunne in Splendour is in my top 10 favourite books, and I would love a pristine new copy….how come I did not find out about the UK promotion for which I am eligible dammit but hoping I can sneak under the wire for this instead 🙂
love, love, love all your books but this is my most favorite!!
I still have to compete with my dad for our shared copy of sunne! Sharon, you started my love and passion for all things Plantagenet and historical – and for that I can never thank you enough!
Regarding the Twitter thing, frankly I find it to be better suited to people who want to talk to themselves, instead of having an engaging conversation (probably the fault of those damned 140 characters). And, although Sunne was your first, my initial exposure to your writing was Dragons. Shortly after finishing that, I ran out in a buying frenzy to purchase Sunne – which means my copy is about 30 years old!
Love your books, reading them since I was 12.. Now 38! Sunned is one my favourites, ever since I found it in a small shop here in Cork, Ireland. Can’t wait for the next one xx
Sharon, thank you for such beautiful books. I read Sunne on Kindle and am going to buy a hard copy to read again. I’ve read the Welsh books which introduced me to a history that I knew nothing about. Now on to the Plantagenets!
May 31st is a significant date for two women who played important roles in the Wars of the Roses and whom—it is probably safe to say—loathed each other. On May 31, 1443, Margaret Beaufort, future mother of Henry Tudor, was born; I’ve no plans to bake a cake for that lady. And on May 31, 1495, Cecily Neville, the Duchess of York, died, full of years and griefs. Also on May 31st, this time in 1246, John’s Jezebel, as one historian colorfully called her, Isabelle d’Angouleme, died in exile at Fontevrault Abbey. I’ve had people wonder how she ended up crashing the Angevin party as she was given a modest burial in the nuns’ cemetery. When her son, Henry III, visited the abbey a few years later, he was very upset that she was not buried with more pomp and ceremony. The result is that her tomb resides today with those of her son’s celebrated family—Henry II, Eleanor of Aquitaine, and Richard Lionheart.
Today is the last day to enter the contest on my blog to win a personalized hardcover copy of Sunne; this is the commemorative edition published by my British publisher, Macmillan, which includes a new AN that discusses the remarkable discovery of Richard’s lost grave.
Would love a copy of this book! One of my favorites. It certainly started my interest in all things Richard
This is the first book of yours that I read and I have been a fan ever since. I would love to have this copy for my collection of your beautifully written books.
I’m not sure if I’ve already entered but I would love to win a signed copy of Sunne. I’ve tried to buy it on numerous occasions on my Kindle and realised I already had it. My paperback copy is looking very sad, but it has been back and fore to Spain on my holidays on several occasions. Unfortunately the pages are falling out and only sticky tape keeps it intact. I’ve had to retire it to my bookcase, not to be touched by anyone. A new copy would be a wonderful and I can again sing your praises snd convert the unconverted while waving my rand new copy.
Pat Jones
Some six years ago I picked up a copy of ‘Sunne’ from a second hand book shop; I could not put the book down. History, as they say, was made for me. Since then I have enthusiastically read my way through every other book you have written an impatiently await the arrival of new ones. Thank you.
Sunne in Splendor was my first and is still my favorite of all your books. Thanks for all the interesting info you share on FB regularly.
I have a very battered and well-read copy of Sunne in Splendour, so to win a brand new, signed copy would be wonderful. I am sure, however, there are many people who deserve a new copy far more than I. Good luck everybody.
I have Sunne as a kindle edition but will eventually buy it in real book format. I recomend to my history students as background reading to their A level coursework on the Wars of the Roses. I am a Lancastrian by birth but definitely a Ricardian and love your portrayal of Richard. Thank you so much for bringing him to life so vividly.
I hope I’m not too late to enter the competition. I’d love to win this if only so I can lend my paperback to my mum. I’ve been trying to get her to read it for ages.
Ha, I am even later! But since it’s still 40 minutes to midnight (in my time zone anyway), I guess it’s allright. I have always loved Sunne, because, not being of the English persuasion, as one of my friends calls it, it was my first encounter with Richard III. It was only after finishing Sharon’s book and reading her afterword, that I realised Richard was considered a villain in English history and literature. Therefore, whenever I meet with an unfavourable description of him, Sharon’s portrayal of him springs to mind. He’ll always have a special place in my heart because of “Sunne”…
I’d love to win a copy of your book ‘Sunne’! 🙂
I saw you Sharon at the St Louis stop of your tour for Lionheart. Would love to see you again! While I understand there are many less costly ways to promote a book, the interaction between author and reader is special. I follow you on Facebook and am thrilled that you take time from writing to discuss with us. In my world all books are good…paper or electronic. We should not have to make it a choice between one or the other. Planning on reading Sunne again at some point, will hope it’s your signed copy!
I don’t have a Twitter account, and if you put your social media energies there, I’m not sure I’d ever see you. I enjoy reading your posts in your Facebook group. As for book tours — the last time you were in the Seattle area, I came out with a friend to your reading, and if you come back to this area, we’ll come out to see you again!
And, of course, I’d be thrilled to win your drawing!
I’d love a new copy of Sunne. My old one is a first edition, but it’s well worn
by now. Please KIT. xoxo
I hope US residents are eligible for a copy of “The Sunne in Splendor”! It would be an excellent addition to my collection of Sharon Kay Penman books! My first book was “The Reckoning”. I’ve been an avid fan ever since!! Your books almost make me want to travel back in time to all the characters portrayed- especially Eleanor of Aquitaine!! What a woman for that, or any, era!!
(Hopefully you will be in the Detroit Michigan area soon Ms. Penman as I would love to see you in person & have you sign my copy of one of your books!)
I love twitter, but it can be a bit of a time suck if you take it too seriously. Book readings and tours are lovely, but I find I often don’t hear about the events until afterward. Publicity is tricky. I like authors like you that participate on GoodReads. Thank you for doing this giveaway. Crossing my fingers for a bit of luck that I will be the winner.
I would love a new copy of Sunne. My copy is from a used book sale at the Allentown Fair. I don’t even know what happened to the cover. Of course I have waited until the last minute to register but I would enjoy a new copy.
I do have a Twitter account but I don’t use it much. I am more comfortable on Facebook. I have a former student who writes for The Huffington Post so I started an account so I could keep up with her posts.
I would still rather see authors in person! Sharon we met a few years ago and I would like to come to another book signing.
I think one of the main advantages to an author having an online presence via Twitter, Facebook, or some other form, is that fans who cannot afford to travel to a real life book tour or live close to a large town where one would take place is the fan can interact with the author.
Fingers crossed I win one of the copies of “Sunne in Splendour”. Now the million dollar, err pound question: Has the time traveling squirrel been updated? ;D I kid ma’am.
Go ahead and give someone else the hardcover, but I’d love the paperback (I prefer those). 🙂 As for your Twitter question, I use it and would definitely follow you if you did start using it, but I prefer Facebook. For all its flaws, it’s less unwieldy than Twitter, and it feels like more of a conversation. Also, your wonderful “this day in history” notes would never fit into 140 characters!
I don’t get to many author events, but if an author I like is in town and I manage to hear about the event and am not traveling, I do like to go. I was sorry to miss your last book tour stop in Seattle and hope you’ll be back when it’s time to promote your next book.
I have enjoyed your books for 30 years. The 1st time my sister placed a copy of Sunne in my hands I just looked at her. How could I ever read such a long book? (I was 16.) She just gave a look, as only an older sister can, and so I began reading, and reading, and reading. I’ve been reading your books ever since. In fact, there was a time when my oldest son was about 4 that he took a pair of scissors to my paperback copy of Sunne and “modified” the covers for me (he wanted to ruin the book so I’d just read books to him). I still have that copy, though my son is now 17, as a reminder to both of us (though I’d love a copy of the updated version with a nice hardback cover no one can easily ruin).
Thank you Sharon for being so reachable and for actally answering fan mail. It meant so much to me back when. I was battling a brain tumor and feared I’d not live to read Devil’s Brood! Now I’m teaching school and , as you know, sharing portions of your work with a stude t of mine with Asburgers (Autism Spectrum)!
This book was my introduction to your writings and has spurred me to research the truth of Richard III for myself. I do believe that he was unfairly blackguarded by Tudor-era and later historians because as any true student of history knows, “History is written by the winners.” – George Orwell
Please consider this American West Coast fan for your giveaway. I am looking forward to reading your works again and into the future.
If Laurie Spencer does not answer, I’m more than willing to receive a copy of “The Sunne in Splendor”!!
really excellent things here, just many thanks
I have just finished book one of Suune and I am absolutely enthralled with your writing. I never realised that the wars were over eleven battles up and down the country. Such in intrigue. So much treasonable behaviour. So much blood and guts spilt, for what? I sincerely hope that book 2 ANNE follows in the same vein. You have yet another convert. Thank you